There is a lot to understand when talking about steroids and mental health. If you or a friend or loved one is taking steroids and experiencing depressive or anxiety symptoms, it may be because of the drug use. Steroid use comes with some serious mental health issues, and the sooner you enroll in therapy, the quicker you can begin working on restoring your mental health.
The Right Step works with individuals who are addicted to steroid use and need help in getting healthy. We have multiple locations that can treat all types of substance use disorders (SUDs). Tailored programs include behavioral and holistic therapies, like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and life skills training, to create a whole-person recovery experience. To talk to one of our team members about our steroid addiction treatment program, call 17135283709 today.
Understanding Steroids and Mental Health
Steroids are chemical compounds in humans and animals and are vital for growth, muscle building, and reproduction. They are made naturally in our bodies as well, but there are synthetic versions known as corticosteroids, anabolic steroids, androgenic steroids, oestrogenic steroids, and anti-inflammatory steroids.
Anabolic steroids recreate the hormone testosterone, which is essential for male sex characteristics, such as facial hair, a deep voice, and muscle growth. Medically, it is used to treat hormone deficiency in men, delayed puberty, and muscle loss from diseases. Some people will take steroids to build muscle mass and improve their athletic performance.
In regards to your mental health, misusing steroids can have some significant side effects. Abusing steroids can lead to severe mood swings, depression, anxiety, paranoia, and psychosis. These treatable disorders can cause some serious problems in your life if left untreated. The most well-known side effect is known as “roid rage,” and is characterized by periods of anger, aggression, and violence that occur with steroid abuse.
Common Side Effects of Steroid Use
There are several positive and negative steroid side effects that you may experience while taking this substance. Steroids are used to help athletes build muscle quickly and increase performance levels for a short period. Short-term side effects of taking steroids include:
- Acne
- Swollen ankles
- Breast enlargement or tenderness in men
- Decreased breast size in women
- Sleep apnea
- Liver damage
In women, additional side effects include vaginal dryness, burning, itching, or bleeding. They will also experience menstrual cycle changes and enlargement of the clitoris. In men, steroid use can lead to male-pattern baldness, smaller testicles, and impotency.
Effects of Long-Term Steroid Abuse
Long-term steroid use can come with some serious medical conditions, such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and stroke. It can also lead to:
- Mania
- Delusions
- Major depressive disorder
- Decreased immune system
- Damage to kidney and heart
- Urinary tract infections
If you are concerned about taking steroids and your mental health, attempting to quit on your own is not smart.
Steroid Withdrawal Symptoms
Quitting steroids will lead to an increase in withdrawal symptoms and cravings for more steroids. Withdrawal symptoms may include:
- Apathy and depression
- Trouble concentration
- Insomnia
- Decreased sex drive
- Headaches
- Joint and muscle pain
- Anxiety
- Anorexia
- Fatigue
If you feel depressed or anxious, it is best to enroll in an addiction treatment program. They can develop a treatment program that includes everything you need to safely recover and build a healthy lifestyle.
Connect with The Right Step to Start Steroid Addiction Treatment Today
The Right Step specializes in addiction treatment for those struggling with an addiction to steroids, prescription medication, or other substances. Each of our treatment centers offers inpatient and outpatient care. You will work with an experienced therapist to uncover the reasons behind the addiction and develop healthy coping skills to manage your symptoms and triggers.
If you are struggling with steroid addiction, our teams are eager to help. Call 17135283709 or complete our online form today to learn more.